About Us
Empowering Students to Create Sustainable Change

Sustainable Engineers Association University of Toronto
SEA is fueled by the drive to increase interest and awareness about sustainability as well as becoming a beacon for incorporating it in engineering practices across all disciplines. We aim to equip students with the tools and knowledge to carry out change and development-whether technical or social, in the realm of sustainability.
SEA champions sustainability practices and voices concerns in modern society related to its importance-defining it as the judicious usage of resources in order to meet future environmental, social, and economical needs.
With this in mind, SEA’s mission is to empower and educate students and professionals who possess the knowledge, passion, and experience within the domain of sustainable development. SEA acts as a platform to connect individuals on both an academic and industry-wide level, bridging the need for sustainable thinkers in workplace settings.
Our events allow us to engage and educate students on the technical aspects of sustainable design and the need for implementing conscious decision making in the industry and society. Acting as a center of support, SEA has also taken on the role of supporting student initiatives to develop personal visions and interest in sustainability.
Our initiatives and ideas also work towards leaving a positive impact among industry think tanks, well evidenced by the group's extensive networks.
These are all accomplished through seminars, industry tours, career fairs, competitions, conference, workshops, and student projects.